Why not try real solutions?
Spokane could just decide to love its community more. Everyone wants less crime, but leaning on police to do all the work just creates more prisoners. We need to actually invest in our community; in each other.
Important Updates
1) Tuesday, 5:30 – 7p – Spokane Tenant Meeting
Please register in advance of the meeting and the link will be emailed to you. If you cannot attend you can still register so you will receive updates and Action Alerts.
2) Wednesday, January 4, 5 – 6p – Damage Deposit Workshop
Housing Justice workshop on damage deposits and damage deposit reform. Please register and attend the Damage Deposit Workshop TODAY at 5:00-600 p.m. Please attend today if you have ever had your damage deposit withheld or have been charged for damages you did not create or if you have ever been confused about how you are charged for damages you may be responsible for. Or have you ever wondered how it cost $80 to replace a light bulb or $200 for a cracked tray in your refrigerator? Sarah Nagy, attorney from Columbia Legal Services will answer your questions and talk about upcoming state legislation to reform the damage deposit system and clarify definitions that will be introduced in the 2023 Washington Legislative Session. Please attend if you have questions about your own issues and to find out how a new state law will be better than what you are now experiencing.
Please register in advance of the meeting and the link will be emailed to you. If you cannot attend you can still register so you will receive updates and Action Alerts.
Presented by Washington State Low Income Housing Alliance and co-sponsored by the Tenants Union of Washington State. This event will provide a deep dive into two state bills that will be introduced in the 2023 state legislative session that will prevent rent gouging and abusive rent increases. Learn how racial justice and impacted community voices can influence lawmakers. Live Spanish interpretation is provided.
Please register in advance of the meeting and the link will be emailed to you. If you cannot attend you can still register so you will receive updates and Action Alerts.
4) Friday, January 6, 4:30 – 6:30 – Tenant Listening Session
In person at The Hive located at E. 2904 Sprague. There will be a remote option available for those who cannot attend in person. The link will be posted. The Tenants Union will provide masks upon request for those attending in person.
5)Tuesday, January 10, 5-7 PM Town Hall style meeting for tenants, landlords and the public
Spokane City Council is holding a Town Hall style meeting for tenants, landlords and the public to offer thoughts and opinions on their upcoming vote on January 23 on the Tenant protection ordinance. Northeast Community Center (4001 N. Cook Street)
There is also an option to attend virtually, and you can also provide written feedback directly to city council here.
Recently many of us voiced our concerns to the mayor and expressed our desire for tenant protections in hopes of getting the ordinances passed. The mayor responded in mid-December, stated that she would not support the ordinance, and included many of the same talking points that are often used by landlords to justify why they are against tenant protections (See attached pdf of the email for her full response). Due to her response, and the past preference that has been shown to landlords in similar spaces – it is unclear if the mayor is intending to participate in good faith.
Some details on what will happen tonight:
“The meeting will include a brief summary of the City Council’s proposed Landlord Tenant Ordinance followed by opportunities for participants to share feedback guided by rental related topics. Each participant who chooses to speak will be provided 3 minutes for comment.
This town hall meeting is an opportunity for engagement between the community, City Councilmembers and the Mayor about timely issues facing our City. Listening sessions are more focused than typical public comment periods, more interactive than public hearings, and include time for City leaders to respond to feedback.”
Please spread the word, invite renters, advocates, and community leaders who have experienced these hardships.
Tonight’s Zoom with City Council
6) Monday, January 23, 5p – City Council Meeting w/ Tenant Protection Ordinances vote
Please register even if you cannot attend so you will receive updates and Action Alerts.
Email Content From:
Terri Anderson,
Spokane Director and
Policy Director
Tenants Union of Washington State